There are a variety of discounts for senior citizens, but many can’t avail these owing to a lack of awareness. When you drop in at restaurants, retailers, parks, or public transport, just ask if they …
Shocking! Russians Exploited Social Media Platforms To Manipulate US Voters In 2016!
Did Russians try to influence U.S. voters in 2016? Apparently, Russia had played a big role in the 2016 US presidential elections as the Russian internet troll army tried to influence the results of t…
Top Retirement Communities In The US Where You Can Maintain An Active Lifestyle
Going into retirement simply means that you don’t have to report to your boss anymore, and you can enjoy a laid-back lifestyle, but if you want to stay active, you might want to consider living …
The Top Five Countries With The Best Healthcare Systems In The World
If you have plans of retiring overseas, the first thing you need to know is to look for the best kinds of healthcare services you can receive abroad. Is it somehow possible to get quality medical trea…
This Is How Netflix Is Remembering Stan Lee (And It’s Totally Mind-Blowing!)
Netflix has decided to remember and pay tribute to the American comic book writer, and co-creator of Marvel superheroes, Stan Lee in a very unique way. The streaming giant has added a special Easter E…
Meet Zora: A Robot Nurse That Looks After Patients With Dementia in France
While it may look more like a toy than a futuristic humanoid, Zora is a robot caregiver which might very well change the future of elderly care. The robot attendant arrived at a care home just outside…
Should You Enroll In Medicare If You Are Already Entitled To Federal Employee Health Benefits?
Are you on the brink of retirement? Are you not very sure about what kind of healthcare plan you should go for? Enrolling in Medicare is always a great idea, but do you even need it if you already hav…
Are You A Baby Boomer? If So, This Is The Kind Of Retirement You’re Probably Headed For
What does retirement typically look like? For most people, it means getting a warm ‘thank you’ and an authentic gold-plated wristwatch after years of loyalty for a company. Idealists often dream of mo…
The Best Movies You Can Watch This Thanksgiving Weekend!
Thanksgiving is finally on our doorstep and with it, comes the usual celebration involving roasted turkey and other kinds of hearty food, a chance to be with family, and overall merriment. But if you&…
Here Are The Hidden Health Benefits Of Using Industrial Hemp Seeds
Did you know that hemp seeds are now a bona fide superfood? Hemp, although tiny, is a nutritious food which is full of health benefits you can benefit from. For a start, you can add one tablespoon of…