Did you know that hemp seeds are now a bona fide superfood? Hemp, although tiny, is a nutritious food which is full of health benefits you can benefit from. For a start, you can add one tablespoon of hemp seed to your diet every day. Mix the seeds into a bowl of oatmeal or a smoothie or just sprinkle the seeds on your grain or salad, or maybe on a bowl of pasta. Hemp milk is also a much popular non-dairy alternative for vegans. There’s also hemp oil which can help prevent eczema flare-ups. Here are some of the salient health benefits of hemp seeds or hemp hearts:
Hemp Seeds Help In Building Muscle Mass

You can ditch your protein supplements for a daily dose of protein-heavy hemp which you can add to your smoothie to make it tastier. Unlike plant-based protein sources, hemp hearts contain amino acids which are essential for your body. If you take three tablespoons of hemp seeds every day, you can increase your daily intake of protein by 10 grams which is the same amount of protein you usually get from three ounces of cottage cheese.
Hemp Seeds Boost Energy

Hemp seeds also contain a tiny amount of complex carbs, which infuses glucose gradually into your bloodstream. Therefore, you can easily prevent that awful energy spike and the subsequent drop in your energy level.
Hemp Seeds May Help In Losing Weight
Weight loss typically occurs when you burn out more calories than you consume, so hemp seeds will not help you in dropping your extra pounds alone. However, you can replace richer and fattier types of protein in your diet (for example, whole-fat dairy and red meat) with hemp seeds and lose weight in the process. You can also consume it in other forms, too. For instance, hemp milk contains fewer carbs than dairy milk, and hemp protein powder is a great add-on for your favorite smoothie.
Hemp Seeds May Reduce Craving For Food

Hemp seeds are rich in fiber which can keep you full for hours. If you can add hemp seeds, milk, or powder to your morning meal, you can keep that 11 AM craving for food at bay. Just make sure you drink sufficient water so the fiber doesn’t get stuck in your GI tract.
Hemp Seeds Can Help You Get Good Sleep
Hemp seeds are rich in magnesium – a mineral which works great in calming your body and relaxing your muscles. To get good sleep, you can consume hemp seeds a few hours before hitting the sack.
Hemp Seeds Prevent Anemia

Anemia is a condition which is due to iron deficiency, and you may start experiencing the dreaded side effects like chest pain, lethargy, and dizziness if you are borderline anemic. Hemp seeds contain a high amount of iron, and consuming these seeds is a nice way to prevent anemia.
Hemp Seeds Help Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases
Not only that, but you can also keep your arteries open and reduce your blood pressure by consuming these seeds, particularly due to the fact that these seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These seeds are also rich in arginine which transforms into nitric oxide in your system. Nitric oxide is essential for your heart health.
Hemp Seeds Help Reduce Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms Too
Last but not least, these seeds help in reducing PMS symptoms. The essential fatty acids that the seeds contain alleviate PMS woes faster and better than any therapy or medicine. Women who consume two grams of essential fatty acids daily over a period of six months are bound to experience a significant reduction in PMS symptoms. You can get an equal amount of essential fatty acids in a single dose of hemp seeds.
Are There Any Side Effects?
There are zero side effects of consuming hemp. However, if you are taking blood coagulants, you should consult a physician before consuming hemp seeds as it might increase bleeding risks. Also, it’s good to remember that hemp seeds come from the marijuana family of plants. Although the non-psychoactive form of hemp is not sold over the counters, you should at least keep this in mind before consuming hemp oil or hemp seeds. If you were addicted to marijuana at some point, you should avoid hemp seeds.