In every beginning, there is always an ending, that is just a part of life. Every person who is born is bound to die, the only difference is that people die from different reasons and different times, it is just inevitable.
That is what nature’s way to keep the balance in the world, every living creature must die to give way to new ones. Some people are afraid to die, but there are also some who just accept the fact that they can’t live forever.
However, there are also some people who fear that losing their memories is actually worse than death. People die of natural causes such as having an illness that has no cure, but it seems like most them think that the cruelest way to die is to have dementia. This is where a person’s memories slowly fade as well as their ability think. However, there are a lot of ways you could actually reduce your risks of dementia.

What Is Dementia?
The Alzheimer’s Association said that dementia actually has a lot of different branches since it is considered to be a general term that describes a mental illness wherein a person loses their mental ability.
Memory loss and losing the ability to think are the most common ones that could be an indication of dementia, and Alzheimer’s is the most common type. Dementia’s symptoms may vary, it can even start at the simplest ways such as forgetting where you put your keys or wallet or forgetting to pay bills and appointments.
This short-term memory loss is just the beginning but unfortunately, a lot of people just simply shrug it off. It is true that the older people get, the more they are at risk of developing dementia although it is not impossible for people under 60 to be diagnosed with younger onset dementia.Most people wonder if dementia is actually one of those illnesses that can be passed on but according to medical experts, dementia is actually an illness that cannot be inherited. People who have a history of dementia in their families do not guarantee them that they will get it as well. Although some genetics may be inherited it is unlikely.

Brain exercises could help fight dementia risks
What most people need to understand is that dementia happens when the brain cells get damaged, which would then lead to it not being able to communicate with one another that would make the person have a hard time processing their thoughts and remembering things. Dementia worsens over time especially when a person suffered from depression or any other imbalances that involve the brain.
According to neurologists, there is no tests or equipment that would be able to identify if a person has dementia, most doctors who diagnose Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most common type of dementia, base their diagnosis from physical exams, laboratory tests, day-to-day behavior and medical history. Which is why it is still difficult for them to figure out what type of dementia a particular person has. Unfortunately, there is still no known cure for Alzheimer’s and no treatment could actually stop it from progressing.

People younger than 60 are unlikely to develop dementia
Reduce The Risks
Unlike cancer, there is no such thing as chemotherapy or radiation therapy that would help slow down or get rid of damaged brain cells that causes dementia. However, experts believe that this could be prevented by reducing its risks.
This is according to Deakin University’s Dr. Helen Macpehrson, who said that having a healthy lifestyle may reduce a person’s risks. This, of course, includes managing the weight by doing exercises every single day even just for an hour. Eating the right kind of foods would be a great benefit as well. Not being involved in any vices such as smoking and drugs could add to it.
Being Healthy/Youtube
Aside from that, engaging in mental exercises would be a great way to reduce the risks of dementia. What most people don’t realize is that challenging the brain will help it become even healthier.
Reading, solving puzzles, and other mind-boggling activities will totally help a lot. Loneliness is also something that could put a person at risk, which is why it is best to always be around family and friends for a healthier social life.