Last year, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration have reported that 2017 was actually the second-hottest first six months of the year with over 0.94 degrees Celsius. 2016 was actually recorded to be the hottest year and that is all thanks to global warming.
For so many years now, people from different parts of the world are spreading awareness in various ways possible to help slow it all down since it is something that no one could no longer stop. Unfortunately, despite the awareness campaigns, the world is continuing to fall apart but then again, people are not exactly stopping on spreading awareness and finding something that could help the globe.
To be able to combat the effects of global warming, one of the busiest and the most populated city in the United States, Los Angeles in California, have decided to paint their streets white, if you want to find out more about it, then just keep on reading.

Los Angeles streets get painted
White Streets For Global Warming
Climate change cannot be stopped but its effects could be reduced and some officials of the Los Angeles County in California are doing it by painting some of the city’s streets some heat-reducing seal coating of white.
Some people think it is a waste of money and some just simply think that it is absolutely ridiculous, but there is no harm in trying to make the world a better place. What they used was actually known as the CoolSeal, which is a water-based asphalt emulsion wherein it is basically meant to reduce the temperature of the surface you paint it on. The city officials of Los Angeles have actually first thought this through back in 2016 because of the highest heat index in history.
According to a statement by the city mayor, their goal is to basically complete this project, despite how expensive it actually is. Some taxpayers don’t actually agree with it because every mile costs $40,000 of cooling paint. Based on a report by LATimes, Mayor Eric Garcetti said that once streets get covered by cooling paints, it would then reduce the temperature around the city by 3 degrees. It may actually be worth it especially with all the threats of the weather becoming hotter.
Some environmental activists, on the other hand, believes that the greenhouse gases that have been involved when it comes to making these cooling paints may actually cause harm to the environment even more than it could do any good.

A federal report reported that climate change has already reached the United States since its effects can already be felt with the temperature getting higher almost every single year.
This is a report from not just one but 13 federal agencies and they all agreed that it would be even hotter as time passes by. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to stop it which is why the local government says that it is better to do something about it do nothing that leads to making it worse.
Angelenos are strong, and so is the state of our city. It is a honor to be your Mayor.
Thank you for joining us for #SOTC2018!
— MayorOfLA (@MayorOfLA) April 16, 2018
Lower Los Angeles Temperature
Some weather experts say that people must enjoy the rainy and cold weather because it wouldn’t last for a very long time as the weather keeps getting higher. On the record, 2016 has the trophy for being the hottest year, but this could change soon.With the help of some experts, the city of Los Angeles led by their Mayor, Eric Garcetti, are trying to figure out how they could actually fight the effects of climate change.
This plan is to improve the quality of the air no matter how impossible it may sound like.The high temperature doesn’t just make people feel hot and sweaty, it could also lead to danger just like suffering from a heat stroke. Based on statistics, heat could actually kill more people than natural calamities like during floods and hurricanes.

With the help of some experts from the University of Southern California, the weather in Los Angeles is most likely to get worse and their climate models say that by 2050, the temperature around downtown LA area may actually be a hundred average 22 days every single year. Unfortunately, no one could geoengineer the atmosphere, but further research as to how they could reduce the heat is being done by different institutions.