Newt Gingrich a reporter of Fox News reported an incredible news about John Cox recently. According to Gingrich, John Coax may join California as a Republican Governor. According to a recent survey, Cox is too close to joining Republicans as a Governor of California.

Public Policy Institute of California reported that John Cox is working since January for joining Republicans and he is the second best option to be elected as Governor in CA state. And it is highly anticipated that Cox can win the governorship seven months from now.
Due to unusual state of California’s election system, the poll results will be of high importance. There will be no separate ballot papers for each party in these elections and all the candidates will appear on a single ballot. Initial elections will take place on June 5, and the top two candidates will then move to November 6 gubernatorial elections.
There are no freebies for the minorities in the primary election system of California. This primary system is the main reason behind Democrat’s success in California. And that’s why Cox’s polling will be important in these elections. Last month, Public Policy Institute of California conducted a survey in which Cox gained 14% more votes than the five other candidates. The support gained was increased 7% to what he achieved in January. Even though Democrat has a significant lead over John Cox, but this lead can be justified by the fact that quarter of the California voters remain undecided.
John Cox’s presence in Republicans is also important due to the fact that Cox’s presence on the ballot paper will keep Republicans in the majority in the House Of Representatives.
Out of 53 CA house seats, Republicans has only 14 seats and all of these seats will be on the ballot in the elections. Therefore a single loss or gain in the house seat will impact the representation of Republicans. SmithJohnson Research – a polling company in the US reported that 99.6% of the Republicans of California said they planned to vote in June Primary while 97% of them said that they will definitely vote in June Primary. When asked about whether they will vote in November elections if there would be only Democrat Candidate, only 42.8% republicans voters said: “they will definitely vote.”
Republicans majority is also crucial for Donald Trump and if Republicans couldn’t get the majority in the June and November elections, then Trump could be on his way out. There is no doubt that people of California will benefit from the conservative leadership of John Cox. This year’s Business Tax Index showed that California is the worst individual state in terms of income tax and is ranked 48th overall.
With Cox in command, California will get more individual tax and people will get more pay. Also, the small businesses in the state will also grow rapidly. The gasoline tax imposed on the drivers by Democratic Government will also be lifted. It was reported in Los Angeles Times, that all the expensive welfare schemes started by the Liberal leadership of California have made this state poorest in the whole country. In the same report, Jackson (a fellow of California Studies) reported that from 1992-2015 almost $958 billion have been spent on these welfare programs and still the state has highest poverty rate among all other states.

California consists of 12% of the whole population of the United States, and about one in three recipients live here – as reported by Jackson in the report. He also reported that the spending on these welfare programs has not only failed to reduce poverty but even contributed to making it worse.
Cox’s mindset would be to bring in a system which can promote work and skills of people rather than such welfare programs. With his conservative leadership, we can expect wonders from Cox and hope that he can bring prosperity instead of poverty in California.
The current Government is also responsible for bringing criminals in the state. Cox has also committed to ending all the policies that work in the favor of criminals and promised to work with the federal officials to throw these criminals out. Cox’s priorities will include – reducing the poverty rate in the state and making the state crime-free.