Sometimes, when dating fails, you can count on your trusted friends to either bug you or save you. It’s kind of crazy how intrusive friends can be, especially when it comes to your relationships, but sometimes, those crazy friends can enlighten your life and serve as a bridge for you to get to know someone. It’s not always fun for you, but it can be a great surprise when friends connive to set you up on a blind date.

Going on a blind date is not that bad. It gives you the excitement and thrill of meeting someone new, and although there are misses, some blind dates can actually end up great. Although your friends can be annoying at times, and you might have second thoughts of going on a blind date, it might be the way for you to meet someone special.
If you find yourself an unwilling victim to your friends playing cupid, don’t fret. Here are tips to help you survive (or even ace) a blind date.
How to Survive a Blind Date
Going on a blind date can truly be an adventurous experience that you might want to go through once in your life. And if in case it didn’t go on as planned, you can still survive the rest of the night. And if you get too excited, you can always try a few tricks and pry something about your date from your friend. Here are a few tips until the rest of the date:
Don’t Expect Too Much

Expectations hurt — simple as that. Just remember that the more you expect, the more you get disappointed. Just think of your blind date as a sort of night out with your friend’s friend. That way, you are being realistic and you keep your expectations down a notch. If your blind date ends up to be a great date, then it would be a great surprise and a good story to tell.
Investigate Somehow
Bug your friends who set you up. Get some information, even just a little, about your date. Even if your friend is so insistent on not giving you a morsel, keep asking about your date. Yes, it’s a blind date, but it doesn’t mean you have to go in totally blind. Knowing who you’ll be going out with is important to make sure that you don’t touch any sensitive nerve when talking or doing things.
Don’t Be Rude
If you’re going to be late on a date, make sure not to leave your date hanging and let them know. And if your date is kind of boring or not that much of a fun, still respect that. Just wait for the night to end; be polite until the date is over because it’s the very least you can do. Who knows, just like you, they might have just been set up against their will. Deep down, you both might want to strangle your friend so be sympathetic.
Start a Small Talk
Open a conversation where both of you can relate or talk about anything and everything under the sun — that’ll keep the uneasiness at bay. It will also make you feel more at ease with each other as the date goes on.
Be Honest

Don’t lie about anything just so to keep your date happy and satisfied. Be warm and honest at the same time; remember, one lie leads to another. If winning them over is your goal, then you need to make sure you are being truthful· Also don’t be afraid to be honest in telling them what you think about them at the end of the date. It’s important to let the person know if they should expect a second date. Don’t leave them hanging just because you’re afraid to hurt their feelings.
Dating is not always easy and sometimes, we do need a little help from our friends. Just keep in mind that just because your friend sets you up on a blind date, it doesn’t mean that they are in control of whether or not you should start a relationship with that person. Make sure to get to know your date and if you end up seeing something beautiful, then it’s time to turn that blind date into a real relationship.