On the surface, it seems as if parenting and grandparenting are like the two opposite poles of the earth. However, if you think deeply, the goals and objectives are often similar, but the modus operandi is very different. When you become a grandparent, you are often on the other side of 60, which means you are retired as well. So how is grandparenting different from parenting? Well, there are several differences, and if you delve deeper, you will see that being a grandparent is so much better than being a parent. There are tons of advantages as well. Read on to find out!
You Become The Role Model

When you are the grandparent, you are the role model for most kids. Of course, children look up to their parents, too, but often, they feel a kind of fear mixed with respect — fear of failing them or fear of being a disappointment looms large when it comes to their parents, but with their grandparents, children know how much they are adored. Which is why they learn better when they learn things from their grandparents. They are free to ask more questions, be more curious – something neither the school environment nor the parents can provide. When a grandparent takes up the role of someone who can give you all the answers that you need and make you comfortable no matter what, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize why he is the role model for his grandchild!
Retired Life Means More Time For The Children

Retirement gives you plenty of time to be with your grandchildren. Parents, on the other hand, still have to go about their jobs and can’t spare a lot of time for their kids. No matter how much parents crave to be with their children, they often can’t afford to spend as much time with their kids compared to grandparents. Children are very perceptive about all this, and they can immediately identify who gives them more attention. Naturally, they get very close to their grandparents.
Too Much Discipline Takes A Backseat With Grandparents
It is imperative to teach children about good manners and instill good habits in them. But when grandparents are around, discipline can take a backseat. After all, grandparents are there for just a few days, so smuggling in the extra cookies doesn’t spoil the habit, yet makes them feel loved.
Spending Time With Grandchildren Helps You Live Longer

And that’s officially true after a scientific study was released last year. It was found that grandparents tend to live longer when they spend time with their grandchildren. Consequently, children who grow up close to their grandparents grow up happier. So, both sides definitely benefit each other when it comes to each of their well-being and life.
It Also Lengthens The Life Expectancy Of Your Grandchildren

Like we said, the benefits of a grandparent-grandchild relationship go both ways. In fact, another research has proven that the older the grandparents are when their grandchild is born, the longer their grandchild lives. More reason for you to babysit your grandkids, right? Next time you get an opportunity to visit them or babysit them, be happy about it, thinking how good it is for both of you!
It Helps Avert The Risk Of Dementia

In another study, it was proven that if grandmothers spent at least one day each week with their grandkids, they can avert the risk of getting Alzheimer’s Disease. However, spending too much time with them have also shown the increased risk of getting neuro-degenerative diseases. So, as they say, good things should come in small packages – you need to balance the time you spend with your grandkids. Too much of anything is not good!
The bottom line here is grandparents are a blessing in a child’s life. Parents should take this opportunity to help them spend more time with their grandkids. That way, both of them will benefit from the relationship, and parents can have some time for themselves, too. What’s more, parents can talk to them about parenting issues as well. Being experienced and wiser because of the number of years they have already spent on the surface of the earth, they surely have all the answers.