As we age, our bodies change gradually with us. The first signs are definitely the grey hairs, then for some people, you slowly start to lose your head of hair. Your skin gets wrinkled, and you tend to slow down. Well, it is not as bad as it sounds. Actually, growing old has its perks. If you take a little care of your health, you can be fit for a long time — greying hairs and wrinkles shouldn’t be your concern. It is what happens inside our bodies that matter. Physical problems can still be diagnosed early on. But, mental health is highly neglected by most people till they reach a point of no return. Just as you take a walk every morning and drink a cup of green tea, consider practicing some of these activities to stay fit mentally.
Be social

Research has proven that, contrary to popular beliefs, our brain becomes developed during childhood, hence, whatever you learn at that time stays with you forever — our brain actually keeps developing with time. Our brain keeps changing as we experience new things. One of the things that helps the brain develop is being social. Meeting new people is actually good for your mind. Those who volunteer for a community service have ample chances of meeting new people. Another way is to get involved with kids. So, babysitting your grandchildren is not too bad, after all!
Learn To Use Technology

It is a known fact that learning to do new things helps in keeping the mind fresh and active. Hence, learning to use new technology, especially the internet, will not just open new doors but help you stay active. Imagine what the internet and social media has done for us — easily accessible information, long-distance communication, and many more! No wonder we’re all hooked all the time. Now, wouldn’t it be nice for someone who doesn’t have anything much to do to know the use of the internet? They can finally get to know all they have wanted to do, and even learn new skills, try a new recipe, read books, make new friends – there is no end to it.
Eat Sea Food

It is a known fact that fish are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Learn more about good fatty acids that actually keep your brain active. In addition, they are great for your heart and lowers blood pressure, too. Apart from fish, flax seeds are high in EFA or Essential Fatty Acids, too. Omega 3 is also known for fighting depression and even cognitive aging. It has been proven that it helps people with basic cognitive problems. So eat up a lot of fish and stay away from greasy food!
Exercise Regularly

Early morning walks are extremely good for your mind and body. Any amount of exercise does help both ways. Post-exercise, our body releases endorphins which gives us a happy vibe. If morning walks get boring, join Zumba, pilates, or even swimming classes for seniors. These are typically less intense yet does the work to keep your body active.
Keep Working

Usually, people retire at 60, but there is no written rule that you can’t work after that age. In fact, there are several companies that recruit retired people. Start searching for company senior programs before you hit 60. You can alternatively start your own consulting business. Take, for example, someone who has experience in finances for over three decades. It will be very easy for them to give people advice, right? Why not make it even better by opening your own financial advising consultancy! You can even earn some extra money that way.
Play Games That Require You To Be Cognizant

Leisure. Retirement. These are words that can be easily matched with various kinds of games. Cards, chess, sudoku — these are great to keep your mind active. Choose something that you really like and get a partner. If your other half indulges you, then you’re all set. Otherwise, get your friends over and play whenever you can. It can be even more fun if you can arrange a small party or gathering where you can partner up with each other and play cards or chess.
Finally, eat right, sleep well, keep a diary, and listen to music — you cannot go wrong if you follow these. Whatever you do, stay happy and content. That will finally determine how you spend your retired life! Plan an overseas trip, learn a new skill, keep in touch with friends and family. Enjoy your retirement!