As we start aging, our bodily functions start to slow down — metabolism, cell regeneration, and many others — and no matter how much we try to stay fit and active, our bodies will continue giving in to the aging process. This is the period when most people become prone to getting chronic diseases. However, knowing this doesn’t mean we should stop trying to take care of our health. So, here are a few healthy eating tips specially curated for aging people to maintain an overall good health.
Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated at all times is very important no matter how old you are, but hydration is even more essential for the elderly. Make it a point to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Even if you don’t feel thirsty, drink in small quantities. If you’re tired of drinking water, you can opt for milk or 100% fruit juice minus the harmful extra sugar to make up for your daily liquid intake.
Limit Your Salt Intake

It is no secret that excess sodium consumption leads to high blood pressure. Since you are already at an age when you are susceptible to diseases, why take the risk? Try to limit your table salt intake no matter how much you want to keep adding more for flavor. It’s normal to do so because as we age, our senses become duller, but remember, too much of something is bad for you. So, how do you make your food tasty and healthy at the same time? Use spices and herbs to season it instead. Basil, sage, turmeric, pepper, and rosemary are some good options.
Plan Your Meals And Keep Them Healthy

If you have no idea how to begin, take the help of a nutritionist and plan a balanced meal for a week. If you plan out your meals and keep the ingredients handy, then you are less likely to eat out or have unhealthy food. Consider having fresh fruits and vegetables, and make sure they make up half of your meal. Also, consider including lean protein like chicken, turkey, and fish in your meal, and avoid things that are difficult to digest. Add food rich in anti-oxidants to fight all kinds of illnesses that come with old age.
Eat Less Sweet Treats

When buying food from the store, you must read the nutrition label to check for the amount of sodium, monosaturated fat or added sugar. It is best to avoid food that has too much refined sugar as it contains empty calories with no nutritional value. It might be hard if you have a sweet tooth, but think about it, you are doing it for your own well-being. Slowly, reduce the number of sweets you consume, and instead include naturally sweet fruits and vegetables.
Eat Everything, Eat Less

You can eat just about everything if you do not have any health condition that prohibits you from doing so. But remember, as you cross the threshold of 40, you must try and reduce your serving size. It is important to maintain a healthy weight as our body starts to slow down and age. Practice moderate food intake because over or under eating is not good for you. If you’re hungry in the middle of the day, have healthy snacks consisting of nuts and fruits in between to compensate.
Have Supplements
For various reasons, it is not possible to always have a balanced and nutritious diet. But you need to have your daily vitamins, minerals, fibers, and protein, right? What do you do? Take supplements. Due to our eating habits, our body may lack some particular nutrients, and supplements can work wonders in this case. Supplemental vitamins and minerals help in keeping our body fit and ensure overall well-being.
Find Someone To Eat With

One of the main issues of old age is loneliness. Loneliness is not just harmful to your mental health, but can affect you physically, too. Not having anyone to talk to makes you either eat more or kill your appetite completely, and both scenarios should be avoided. Make your dinner or lunch time joyful by having company. If your spouse or partner is not around anymore, invite your friends and have a meal together. Cooking from scratch needs a lot of effort, hence, call your friends to join you and have a jolly good time out of it.
Life is too short to worry about what might happen in the future. Stop worrying about old age and the illnesses that may or may not follow. Focus on the now and live every moment instead.