Why Stress When It’s Self Care?

We all have different routines we have adopted to make our life better, but sometimes due to the changing times, these routines can stress us out and that is when the time to relax comes. If It’s about your wellness, why create self-doubt? We all have our own paces, let’s go with those and not rush our mental wellness.
The CBD Era is On Its Way
CBD, also known as cannabidiol is known for its anxiety, insomnia, pain, and inflammation relieving properties. CBS as a whole, is expected to become part of many mainstream products by the end of 2019 by both present, as well as new firms. This will help in making it available for everyone, contributing to their health in a positive way.
Functional Shoes For Everyone?
The wellness era is bringing about a change in the shoe industry as more and more people are getting into fitness. This means that this industry is starting to emphasize the functional traits of the shoes themselves more so than the actual design. This is great news for those who struggle with various complications regarding foot comfort.
Oat Milk, Anyone?

We have all heard of Almond Milk but now comes to the market another product, thanks to the help of coffee shops everywhere; Oat Milk. It’s devoid of a nutty flavor with demand growing fast in the market, hoping to become a part of yogurts and other creams too. Have you tried it yet? Critics and lifestyle blogs alike are raving about it’s similar taste to Dairy minus all of the negative aspects.
Smart Products = Smart Life.
People are slowly getting dependent on the technology to contribute to the wellness of their life as they search for modern solutions to their problems. With life picking up pace, everyone is hoping for ways to make their lives easier and technology is here to provide just that, allowing them the time to focus on the more important parts of their lives.
Body Diversity Is Finally Coming Around
With Rihanna leading the change through her Fenty Lingerie line, the beauty industry is changing for the better by creating products for people of all shades and sizes. 2019 is going to be the era of diversity embracement as companies finally get in line with the body-inclusivity movement.
Keto Is Bringing Back MCT Oil
The ketogenic diet took over the health world in 2018. It was through its well-known aspects like help in weight loss and anxiety control that brought to light MCT oil which is a major factor helping it achieve these goals. It has left behind coconut oil as well as other healthy fats in terms of benefits, which is why people are keen to get their hands on it.
One-Stop-Shop Making Life Easier

The speed at which life is going, its no wonder that people want to get everything done under one roof which is why the wellness and hospitality industry is working towards achieving this. These companies wish to create a space that allows everyone to experience different things together, especially since people are now more interested in having a good experience rather than a good product.
Cauliflower Is Taking Over The Food Industry
In the past, we have seen cauliflower become a prominent part of pizzas and other frozen food items but that’s not the end of it as companies plan to bring in even more products to light using this amazing vegetable, converting your everyday beloved chips and crackers into a healthy alternative as well.