For so many years now, a lot of people have had a lot of experiences when it comes to believing that the apocalypse will happen at a certain date. One of the earliest predictions that the world will end is back in 1523, wherein some astrologers in London predicted that the world will end the year after that which is 1524, because of a gigantic flood that will happen when the planets align.
One of the most famous apocalyptic prediction was the 2012 phenomenon, wherein based on the Mesoamerican calendar and the Mayans, the world will end on December 21st of 2012, but clearly, that didn’t happen. The film apocalyptic film 2012 also made people believe that it actually could happen. Last year, people became worried all over again when a man named David Meade said that based on the Bible, doomsday is set on the 13th of September 2017, well obviously that was also wrong. The conspiracy theorist said that it will be because of the planet Nibiru.
It seems like every single year, there is a prediction that the world will end, although it is a fact that it surely will end one day, one thing is for sure, nobody actually knows when. However, this doesn’t mean people can stop trying to guess, here is the most recent prediction about the world ending, and it is just a few days away.
Dima Zel / Shutterstock
Planet X Will Collide With Earth
According to the Bible, the end of the world, or so what the Christians call the second coming or judgment day, will happen on the 23rd of April 2018. Speculations said that Planet X or also known as Planet Nibiru will crash with Earth on this said date, this is actually not a new prediction, they just changed the date. NASA or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has said multiple times that the Planet X is not a real planet therefore, it does not exist.
This theory about the Planet X started circulating the world in 2012 and have been on people’s minds for years. NASA has confirmed that there might actually be another planet near Neptune, but this has not been confirmed. The sentries space scientist of NASA said in an interview with Washington Post that the planet Nibiru is a hoax and that there is absolutely no such thing, so people should really get over it.
Astronomers have been looking for any signs of an Earth-sized planet on the outer parts of the solar system. Conspiracy theorists, on the other hand, believe that NASA is simply hiding the existence of this planet from the people, just like how they are actually hiding the fact that we are not alone in the universe.
Paul Begley / Youtube
World Ends On April 23rd… Or Not
The man who is pushing this “end of the world” date is the same man who said that the apocalypse would happen in September last year. David Meade said in an interview with Express tabloid, that on this particular day of April, the sun the moons and the biggest planet in the universe Jupiter, will align with the Virgo constellation.
This was said to be what is referred to in the Bible that says “woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars her head.” This is actually the exact same passage that Meade got his basis from when he predicted that the world will end in September of last year, then again at that time instead of the sun, moon and Jupiter aligning, Meade said that the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars will align with the sun.
Launching Monday, our planet-hunting @NASA_TESS spacecraft will fly in a unique orbit that'll allow it to study nearly the entire sky over 2 years. This special orbit is key in potentially finding thousands of new planets outside our solar system. Watch:
— NASA (@NASA) April 16, 2018
A professor from St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, Allen Kerskeslager, who specializes with an ancient and comparative religion said that may be based from the older Jewish as well as the Greco-Roman tradition but where he got it all wrong is that the author of Revelation was actually wrong.
Ancient books simply cannot predict the future. Another thing that he got wrong is the fact that the planet Jupiter will actually align with the sun and the earth. In fact, Jupiter may actually appear from Earth within the constellation Libra. However, on that very same date, the constellation Aries will actually align with the sun and the moon with Gemini. Obviously, Meade seems to be guessing since he has never gene consistent with this speculation.