Being a workaholic is more than just enjoying the work you do and spending more time than usual on it. Workaholics are reported to have OCD and ADHD far more than the average person, as well as disorders like anxiety and depression. In short, committing to work could be an escape from your problems if you’re a workaholic, and if that’s the case, then you need to help yourself, solve your issues, and bring balance to your work and personal life. It’s not going to be an easy task, but spending too much time at the office can waste away a person’s years easily and can prove to be an unfulfilling experience. Here’s how you can improve your situation:
Start Scheduling Activities That Aren’t Work

You’ll find that you’re far more prone to move away from work and do tasks if you’ve planned them beforehand. While these tasks, like taking your kids to the park or having a movie night with the family, don’t exactly work, they’ll feel like it if they’re in your calendar. When your schedule is clear, you’re going to let your work spill onto the time that you should be spending on yourself and those close to you. However, when you’ve made it clear that a specific time cannot let anything interfere with it, you’re going to finish work before it and make sure that you’re ready for that date with your spouse or the party with your friends.
Seek Therapy

If you’re the type of person who thinks that they’re worth exactly what they earn and how hard they work, then you should probably talk to a therapist who will definitely be able to help you in this regard. You’ll be made to realize that there’s more to life than just work and that your self-worth is tied to far more than the hours you spend in the office. This is especially necessary if you suffer from depression or anxiety. If this is the case, you’ll be properly diagnosed and treated accordingly which will subsequently help you with the overworking that you’ve been indulging in.
Start a Hobby

If you’re spending over ten hours at work, it’s likely that you don’t have a hobby to take up much of your time. The good news is that anyone can get a hobby, and you can choose pretty much anything you enjoy doing. You could go for painting, biking, collecting stuff, or anything else that piques your interest. It matters less what your hobby actually is and more on you actually getting one so that if you have nothing else to do once your office time is up, you can come home to an activity that you love and that takes your mind off of work.
As much as you’d like to continue working to no end, you need to realize that the company that you’re spending so much time and effort on will not care for you in the time of need like your friends and family.