Menopause is a natural process that comes along with age. When it happens, the body of a woman undergoes a sea of changes. There are numerous symptoms and signs, and some of them are quite inconvenient. Unfortunately, that cannot be changed. Just like we can’t change certain things about old age and instead, need to embrace them, women need to do the same when it comes to menopause, but what we can do is to embrace a healthy lifestyle and incorporate a few kinds of food in our daily diet to combat the side effects of menopause. Here are some types of food that you should incorporate in your diet:

Though water is classified as a drink rather than food, the importance of water in all stages of our lives is immeasurable. The drop in estrogen level makes the skin as well as the vagina extremely dry. At least eight glasses of water a day will help combat dryness. Water also helps reduce bloating which happens a lot during menopause. In fact, the dryness and bloating can set in long before menopause which is called the perimenopause period. Hence, if you are close to your menopausal age, don’t forget to have lots of liquids.
Estrogen deficiency means a lack of calcium in your body. This is the very reason most women suffer from bad bone health in their advanced years which can result in fractures and broken bones in case you fall down. One solution that many women opt for is estrogen replacement. If you are not one of them, make sure you are having 1200 mg of calcium every day. With hormone replacement therapy, you would need 1000 mg each day. Since having that much calcium from food itself is a difficult task to achieve, it is good to rely on a supplement.

When you are on your menopausal stage or about to have it, make sure you have at least three servings of iron-rich food every day. Lean red meat, green vegetables, eggs, fish, nuts, or whole grains should be your best friend during this time. If you are planning to have a multivitamin with an iron supplement, it is best to consult your doctor before starting.
Fruits And Vegetables
With age, our metabolism slows down. Add to it the sedentary lifestyle, especially among women in their mid-forties, weight gain becomes inevitable. It is very important to maintain a healthy weight when you age, so munch on low-calorie fruits and vegetable for snacks. Watermelon, cucumber, and baby carrots are great for this purpose. Also, add a lot of vegetables to your plate and lessen the carbs.
Vitamin D

We can’t get enough vitamin D from the sun alone, so having a supplement is a must. Before anything else, consult your doctor before starting your vitamin D supplement because it might have side effects. The dose for vitamin D is about 600 units, but doctors recommend about 1000 to 1200 units for women. In case you didn’t know, vitamin D helps reduce depression and uplifts moods which can be very beneficial during menopause because mood swings become common since a woman’s estrogen level goes down.
Flaxseeds are uber-rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Make a powder out of the seeds and sprinkle it over cereals, yogurt, or salads. Some say that flaxseed has estrogen-like compounds and is also rich in fiber. It is also known to reduce night sweats and hot flashes. Though there is no solid proof, they have lignans which balance female hormones.

Research is still ongoing, but some experts believe that having soy helps in giving some relief to hot flashes. Soy contains compounds called isoflavone which imitates estrogen. However, nutritionists believe that processed soy might not be as good as natural soy, so get as much natural soy as you can from your daily diet. Edamame, which are young soybeans, is a good option.
It has been found that women who approach this time of their lives as naturally as possible and do not fear the struggle that might be come up handle this time the best. Women generally do not take good care of themselves as they are more used to taking care of others. This is the time, however, when they should keep some time aside for themselves and work towards making their lives better. A holistic approach towards life and a supremely healthy lifestyle can beat even terrible diseases. Menopause isn’t as scary as it seems as long as you take care of your body properly.