Did you know that there are certain diseases that you can look out for without going to the hospital or checking in with a doctor? This is because some diseases come with obvious signs that can be spotted at an early stage only if you know how to examine the signs.

Breast Cancer is one example as medical experts often shine a light on the importance of self-examination and how to spot something unusual. Similarly, there are certain signs that can indicate an early stage of skin cancer.
Skin Cancer is one the most common forms of cancer and it is reported that 1 in 5 American citizens develop skin cancer before they hit 70 years of age. There are certain factors that could cause skin cancer such as having a family history of skin cancer, having fair skin, going out in the sun for long periods of time without any proper precaution, and tanning beds.
This just goes to show that a significant number of people might be at risk of developing skin cancer which is why it is important, now more than ever, to know about the signs and be able to self-examine yourself.
Checking for Skin Cancer at Home
Medical experts suggest that you have to check up on yourself every month so you can notice any abnormal changes that weren’t there before. To begin with self-examination, you have to be familiar with the ABCDEs of Melanoma.

1. A for Asymmetric
You notice a spot on your skin but one part of the spot is different from the other spots.
2. B for border irregularity
You will notice how the border of the spot is not defined. Instead, it is undefined, jagged, blurred, or even scalloped.
3. C for color variations
Oftentimes, skin cancer spots are often mistaken as moles that a person has on their body but when it comes to skin cancer spots, there is a lot of color variation. Some will be darker than usual and others will be lighter.
4. D for diameter
If you find a spot that is equal to or larger than the size of a pencil eraser, then you might want to get it checked by a dermatologist.
5. E for evolving
Lastly, if you find that there are some spots that have been evolving or changing over time, then it can indicate signs of Skin cancer.

You Shouldn’t Miss This
While these are all the signs you need to know about melanomas, there are some generic signs like itching, pain, redness, inflammation, and scaling that could also indicate skin cancer.
Skin Cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer which is why you need to take out at least 15 to 20 minutes every month to check yourself. Doctors suggest not to miss areas like the back of the ears, genitalia, armpits, soles of the feet, and even your palm.
Raise awareness about skin cancer so you can protect your loved ones or even help them with early detection.