When you are building your immunity, is your primary focus on vitamin C-rich foods only? Please don’t get us wrong vitamin C is one of the key vitamins to bolster up your immunity and combat rogue viruses. But there are oft-ignored minerals that can provide effective results, if not more.
If you have guessed already, then let’s speak it aloud for you. Yes, it’s zinc. Health experts suggest that zinc maybe your little yet powerful warrior who can take up the sword to slay errant viruses and protect you from flu and infections. So, are you consuming enough zinc? If not, here are some efficient sources of zinc to make you feel better.
Pumpkin Seeds
If you are looking for a good quality plant-based zinc source, don’t look beyond pumpkin seeds. These crunchy delights are super versatile, and you can add them to any food. Yes, besides being nutritious, they are versatile too.
You may sprinkle it into your morning oatmeal to evening smoothie and make it a part of every meal. You need just an ounce of it to fulfill your daily requirement of zinc. There are 2.2 milligrams of zinc and promises about 8.5 grams of plant-based protein. Also, pumpkin seeds may protect you from certain cancers.
Oatmeal offers you a bowl of goodness and is rich in proteins. However, did you know that it also acts as a substantial source of zinc? Besides that, oats have soluble fiber, which can lower your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease. Just half a cup also contains 1.3 milligrams of zinc, and you can add a substantial amount of zinc with your breakfast staple.
Oysters also contain the highest amount of zinc concentration. Three ounces of raw oysters can pack in 32 milligrams of zinc, which is four times your daily requirement.
Not just zinc, oysters are a rich source of vitamin B 12, which is great for your nervous system and helps boost your metabolism.
Lean Beef
While you should not indulge excessively in red meat, there is a way out. Lean beef can be a healthy addition to your diet. All you need to do is include 95 percent of lean ground beef in your diet, and you would get at least 5.7 milligrams of zinc per four-ounce serving.
If crabs are your favorite, then you are in luck. Crabs, whether you have it boiled or have it as cakes, just three ounces of it can contain almost 7 milligrams of zinc. So, without an iota of doubt, we say that crabs are a great source of zinc.
Hemp Seeds
If you need a plant-based source of zinc, don’t look further than the new superfood in the block, hemp seeds.
They are a great source of healthy unsaturated fats. Three tablespoons of hemp seed contain 3 milligrams of zinc. And it fulfills 38 percent of your body’s daily zinc requirement.
Hemp seeds are chock-a-block with the amino acid arginine, and it helps reduce the risk of heart disease. Try different ways to include them into your diet, add them to your yogurt or salad, or you can even add a hemp-based protein powder. They are low in calories and high in protein and, of course, your immunity-based mineral, zinc.
Beans and legumes are another excellent plant-based option if you consider increasing your zinc intake and are not eating meat. Whether you have it as a salad or your favorite hummus, you can also have it as a curry, burgers, wraps. And they are high in fiber and protein and contain a whopping 2.5 milligrams of zinc.
Chickpea is another superfood that can make you feel full and satisfied, and you don’t end up feeling peckish in between your meals. Also, it is a great food option to keep your blood sugar stable, and you don’t feel an energy crash after a sudden increase in blood sugar. It is rich in fiber, protein, and all other essential vitamins and minerals. And hence they promise you great health and would protect you against viruses and pathogens.
Now, you know about the various benefits of this all-important mineral and how easily you can add them to your meals and ensure you do so every day to get the maximum benefits. If all you have to do is add these delicious food options, then it’s not going to add this important mineral to your meals.