Everyone knows that Mr. Donald Trump has good relationships with all the media players of the country but his alliance with the largest tabloid publisher company, American Media Inc, runs longest than the others.
A.M.I has four board of directors and one of those board of directors is the executive of Trump’s casino business. More importantly, the chairman of A.M.I, David J. Pecker, is a close friend of Trump. The National Enquirer is the flagship tabloid of A.M.I and in Trump’s reign, this tabloid has turned its side towards the success stories of the president. Many stories titled as “Trump’s motto – Peaceful World” is published in the tabloid recently.
American Media Inc played a major role in the successful campaign of Donald Trump during the elections. The three-member team consisting of Trump, David J.Pecker and the lawyer of the president Michael D.Cohen, strategized how they can use the magazine for advertisement of Donald Trump and degrading the opponents.
Due to Cohen’s activities, the tabloid is now under federal investigation as Mr. Cohen is alleged of publishing damaging stories in Trump’s race for the presidentship. It was further reported that The Enquirer bought the story about Trump’s alleged extramarital relationship and didn’t publish it. This federal investigation can cause serious problems for the president as well his campaign team. And the extra support of A.M.I for the president can open a scrutiny which is only used for political organizations.
This week, a federal prosecutor met with Mr.Cohen and requested to provide all the communication detailed among the president, Cohen, and Pecker. The New York Times also reported that both Mr.Cohen and the company was in contact and the story of Trump’s relationship with a playboy model was also bought by the American Media Inc.

A.M.I is facing another Federal Investigation as the company is accused of paying $150,000 to the Playboy model, Karen McDougal, to keep mum about her relationship with the president.
According to reports, A.M.I is in process of responding to these speculations. While on the other hand, A.M.I has dismissed all such allegations saying that the company will fully cooperate with the investigators and company’s reputation will not be affected by these allegations.
The lawyer of A.M.I, Cameron Stracher, said that the work produced by the celebrity magazine is a normal thing for the people and it is very easy to think that this work has no protection as the other mainstream media.
No doubt, Mr.Trump has deep roots in A.M.I which reports everything positive about the president. In the last 6 months of 2017, The Enquirer sale was as low as 260,000 copies per week. And according to New York Times, this sale was 13% less than what the tabloid achieved in the first six months of 2017.
However, each copy of the Enquirer sold at a price of $4.99. The tabloid provides a platform for every politician seeking the votes of average Americans. Before Pecker, the family that was controlling A.M.I made the Enquirer as the prime tabloid of the United States. Other titles like US Weekly and The Globe are also published under the authority of A.M.I.
On this matter, the company released an official statement in which it was stated that if the company was proved to be helpful for Trump, it is due to the fact that the audience of The Enquirer was the supporter of Trump’s candidacy campaign. Furthermore, the cover featuring Donald Trump increased the sale of the magazine.
Mr.Pecker, the owner of A.M.I was very open about his views on supporting Trump candidacy campaign and back in 2017, he told The New Yorker that an attack on Donald Trump would be an attack on A.M.I, and said that they are the same.
After buying Ms. McDougal’s story, Pecker agreed to feature it in the health & fitness column as a non-gossip magazine. He added that after being the part of the company, McDougal cannot bash the president outside.

According to several reports, when the trump’s campaign stimulated back in 2015, Trump, Cohen, and Cooper were involved in more serious discussions about how A.M.I can help them in promoting the campaign.